還記得前陣子我們曾經介紹的--Phillippe Katerine , 一個身兼舞台劇演員與歌手且在法國極具受歡迎的粉紅緊身衣阿伯 ?! 今天週一聽音樂在一個真的有秋天氣息的感受中,帶來一位同樣是法國人的大叔 VIC MOAN。首先他不是在法國大紅也不是太多人知道他甚至他的音樂網站加入的人數都不多,有樂評家說 : VIC MOAN是一個難得的歌手及作曲者,Make love when listening to this album..........
VIV MOAN的聲音渾厚,曲風是典型的法國味搖滾,音樂中你可以聽見電提琴還有長號與VIC MOAN的聲音唱出那份惆悵與幽默交織的大叔哲學!!
唱出其實每個人愛的既不是別人也不是自己的存在感,終究, 大叔的音樂有著適合在陰天聽的態度並且把因天轉化成晴天的弔詭!
(裡頭的大提琴手是一另一個大叔vincent segal,也擔任許多獨立音樂的演奏者)
吉他手 seb mortel
Soul Kiss
my soul for a kiss , I don't want to miss
it's dark in your heart I look for a spark
my soul in the woods I am caught with the goods
it's dark in your mouth the fire is out
my soul for a kiss I don't want to miss
my heart in my knees I shake with the breeze
my soul for a sqeeze I'm swinging from trees
I'm just one more guy who is lost in your sigh
baby was an only child...
you know my heart is burning my head is always turning when you walking by you make an grown cry
my heart is in your pocket take the key and unlock it
you are in for a surprise if you look into my eyes
you know my soul is a flame and i call out your name
I am buring up in the night and you know that ain't fight
won't you lister to my song because soon I'll be gone
I's just a lonely spark shooting out of the dark.
my soul for a kiss I don't want to miss
It's dark in your heart I look for a spark.
今年的新曲 很有趣的MTV
這個大叔在台灣也許不會有人仔細聆聽這樣的音樂,只是,我們都要讓自己在每個程度上的心被打開,聽聽除了餵養我們的那些主流外的音樂 !
祝一周愉快 試試幾天不要看電視,是另一種享受生活美感的方式
明天週二 我們會把上回剩下享受生命的五十種方式的下半部。。。。
VIV MOAN的聲音渾厚,曲風是典型的法國味搖滾,音樂中你可以聽見電提琴還有長號與VIC MOAN的聲音唱出那份惆悵與幽默交織的大叔哲學!!
唱出其實每個人愛的既不是別人也不是自己的存在感,終究, 大叔的音樂有著適合在陰天聽的態度並且把因天轉化成晴天的弔詭!
Soul Kiss
my soul for a kiss , I don't want to miss
it's dark in your heart I look for a spark
my soul in the woods I am caught with the goods
it's dark in your mouth the fire is out
my soul for a kiss I don't want to miss
my heart in my knees I shake with the breeze
my soul for a sqeeze I'm swinging from trees
I'm just one more guy who is lost in your sigh
baby was an only child...
you know my heart is burning my head is always turning when you walking by you make an grown cry
my heart is in your pocket take the key and unlock it
you are in for a surprise if you look into my eyes
you know my soul is a flame and i call out your name
I am buring up in the night and you know that ain't fight
won't you lister to my song because soon I'll be gone
I's just a lonely spark shooting out of the dark.
my soul for a kiss I don't want to miss
It's dark in your heart I look for a spark.
今年的新曲 很有趣的MTV
這個大叔在台灣也許不會有人仔細聆聽這樣的音樂,只是,我們都要讓自己在每個程度上的心被打開,聽聽除了餵養我們的那些主流外的音樂 !
祝一周愉快 試試幾天不要看電視,是另一種享受生活美感的方式
明天週二 我們會把上回剩下享受生命的五十種方式的下半部。。。。