
P.S.-I made this...

It’s a call to action to re-imagine, re-use and re-invent.

流行來來去去,媽媽衣櫥裡塵封已久的那個區域絕對是寶藏庫,流行也當然不是高高在上,一個在紐約的女生Erica Domesek製作了網站P.S.-I made this...,不定期的發布自己創作的服飾配件、家飾用品,靈感來源可能是服裝秀上的新鮮貨,也可能是超商裡最近熱賣的小點心,不過他們可能都有一個共同的元素,於是每個禮拜都以這個每期不同的元素為重點,創造出簡單的小玩意。

P.S.- Be ECO and look CHIC-O!  I’m excited to announce I’ve partnered with DASANI to create a limited-edition line of green hats in celebration of the new PlantBottle™ which is 100 % recyclable made from up to 30% plant-based materials.  The Green hat (green like the caps on the new bottle) is made out of everyday materials – sweatpants, zipper from a hoodie and buttons!   Dasani’s PlantBottle™ and green hat are both amazing examples of ways to recycle in our everyday lives – resulting in fashionable products we feel ohhh so good about!  Check out my other cool DIY projects and up until Earth Day, enter for your chance to win a limited edition cap! P.S.- I can’t think of a more fitting time of year to celebrate being creative and green…Happy Earth Month!


CHEVRON: ˈsh evrən. Noun. A line or stripe in the shape of a V or an inverted V.  Use this translation and interpret you own chic representation and prepare for Craft-off! The chevron pattern became popularized by adorning sleeves of uniforms indicating rank or length of service, but more recently have taken over the Fashion and Interior worlds with the bold markings.  Givenchy’s SS10 collection is ALL about the Chevron in B/W hues, where as bright dressers were spotted on Design*Sponge, and cool ‘n casual tanks from Club Monaco keep us feelin’ flirty! Pick up some retro Barbershop-inspired Paper straws. Glue together was a few dabs of hot glue to make your chevron pattern.  Trim straws to desired length and shape, glue together (feel free to trim again), and poke a little hole in the top where your earring wire can slide through.   P.S.- Show off your Chevron & your true colors ‘cuz you are J’amazing!


P.S.- I Made This…
is a movement.
It’s a call to action to re-imagine, re-use and re-invent.
I see it. I like it. I make it.
